2nd message to stickleback
picture one: a fish in colour with black and white background
picture two: a dolphin in black and white with colour background
picture three: a monkey all in sepia
picture four: a man all in sepia
picture five: an insect all in grey scale
your loving bitch boy!
of course you could simply ignore my colour coding and do your own but keep the subjects as the same?
second thoughts, make it all sepia.
fianl thought. picture one: a fish in grey scale with sepia background
picture two: a dolphin in greyscale with sepia background
picture three: a monkey in greyscale with sepia background.
picture four: a man in greyscale with sepia background
picture five: an insect in grey scale with sepai background.
so then, just in case you didn't get the message.
ALL pictures in grey
backgrounds in sepia.
easy peasy.
evolution, be it fact or fiction, is fatally flawed.
at least as far as humanity is concerned.
from fish to mammal to primate.
all could disappear and the world would still spin.
not so if all the insects died.
no instects.
no animals.
no humanity.
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