krome alchemy

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Blogger stickleback2&cocainejesus said...

I know it's not 'proper art' and we haven't done this for awhile, but can you stick some 'proper poetry' this one?

Then maybe we can stick it on Discharge

4:05 pm  
Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

i would like to help you but as i am sure you are aware most of my time is now taken up working with 'proper' artists and sadly i will not, on this occassion, be able to help you.


9:24 am  
Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

1. now available in convenient ready to use slices. yoshua the jew. another commodity, like television, to soothe the mind and relax the conscience.
2. if only we could cut out the middle man and go direct.
3. behind the façade and rhetoric of the church lies a powerful truth.

over to you. number two is my favourite though.

9:48 am  
Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

when you do post this, maybe we should follow it up with that old photo you took in wapping of that shop(???) with caged windows and christian propoganda on posters?
kind of maintaining the theme.
also, just so our poor christian friends don't feel as though we are picking on just them perhaps you can do some art on the prophet or islam. i certainly do not like their homophobic and sexist slant any more than i do christianity's.

10:09 am  

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